Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 RESULTS

Product Lists

Searching for just the right product(s) to use in your meal prep or carry with you during the day that fit your food sensitivities or dietary needs can take too long. You get demotivated and decide to either not eat or to compromise your plan.

students walking towards a college campus

Doing Dorm Food Right

FREEDOM! The freedoms discovered when you go off to college are a breath of fresh air. You get to choose what time you wake up for class (just remember to set that alarm!). You get to choose what you wear each day (pajamas really aren’t THAT cool, I promise). And you get to choose what to eat in the dorm cafeteria.

bin of uncooked sweet potatoes

Variations on a Theme: Sweet Potatoes

Maybe you’re in a rut. You know sweet potatoes have a lot of great nutrients in them, but you’re tired of your recipes and need some new ones to liven things up a bit. Below are some fresh ideas for how to incorporate sweet potatoes into your life, whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack!

Variations on a Theme: Eggs

Maybe you’re in a rut. You know eggs have a lot of great nutrients in them like protein and choline,, but you’re tired of the same old recipes and need some new ones to liven things up a bit. Below are some fresh ideas for how to incorporate eggs into your life, whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack!

unpeeled banana

Variations on a Theme: Bananas

Maybe you’re in a rut. You know bananas have a lot of great nutrients in them (and they’re naturally sweet!), but you’re tired of your recipes and need some new ones to liven things up a bit. Below are some fresh ideas for how to incorporate bananas into your life, whether for breakfast, lunch, or a snack!

olive oil pouring into a condiment cup

Hot Topic: Cooking Oils and Fats

Cooking oils and fats are a hot topic these days (pun intended)! The good old “vegetable oils” we’re used to (canola, soybean, corn, etc.) have been exposed as highly-processed, highly-refined, and highly-inflammatory. The number of processes they go through – including bleaching – makes them harsh on our guts by causing inflammation.

kitchen with island and chairs

Kitchen Hacks: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Over time, we all develop habits and routines in the kitchen. Oftentimes, we don’t even realize what we’re doing because we’ve always done it. Then, we observe someone else do it another way…a more efficient way…and our minds are blown! Suddenly, we feel revitalized as our recipe now takes a fraction of the time or effort.