Searching for just the right product(s) to use in your meal prep or carry with you during the day that fit your food sensitivities or dietary needs can take too long. You get demotivated and decide to either not eat or to compromise your plan.

Real Food – Minimal Ingredients – Full of Flavor
Searching for just the right product(s) to use in your meal prep or carry with you during the day that fit your food sensitivities or dietary needs can take too long. You get demotivated and decide to either not eat or to compromise your plan.
Whether you have a diagnosis or a sensitivity that limits your menu, it is all too easy to focus on what you can’t eat. When I first saw the list of “allowed” foods on the LEAP protocol based on my MRT results, I was discouraged by the limitations and the somewhat strange combinations that came to mind:
Over time, we all develop habits and routines in the kitchen. Oftentimes, we don’t even realize what we’re doing because we’ve always done it. Then, we observe someone else do it another way…a more efficient way…and our minds are blown! Suddenly, we feel revitalized as our recipe now takes a fraction of the time or effort.